It is amazing to think that I once thought that those words were used entirely too often, and they still may be. Nowadays I do not think I could say them enough. I do not want the words themselves to loose any of the powerful emotion that backs them. I love her. We use it when we see each other, when we leave each other, when we are on the phone, when we are being silly, when we are making-up, when we are happy, when we are sad, when we feel how much we love each other we tell the other. Despite heavy use, the emotion behind the words is never removed. I hope that those words never become just words. That they forever mean something between The One and I.
I love The One. There should not be any doubt in the world on that. I am always told that it shines through and through. It did not come easy. I was always quick to dismiss relationships. With her I was patient, wherein other relationships I was not. But as much as I was patient with her and our relationship she had to be patient with me. She had realized that she was in love long before I ever did. She had been expressing her feelings that way for months without me returning the words. She was patient with me then, she is patient with me now.
I thank her for that; I tell her I love her as often as I can. I love The One; I will marry her, in that I have no doubt.
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