Wednesday, December 23, 2009

As It Should Be

Work was amazing yesterday. I was incredibly productive while having a completely relaxed day. There were few interruptions, and the few I had were not that bad. Nothing in the Clinic was rushed, people were calm and taking things as they are. It makes me wonder why it cannot be that way all the time. There really is not a need for the normal hysteria that we bring upon ourselves. Sometimes we might have packed our workload a bit more than we should. If my office can figure out a way to balance the workload and start having more days like yesterday, I would extremely pleased.

Some impending weather might cut short my last work week of the year. I hope for it. Though there are a lot of people out there worried for my safety as I drive north tomorrow. I have received every possible safety briefing anyone should ever have to go through. I will be fine. If the weather is bad, I will be taking it slow and driving as I should on poor road conditions. It is not like I will be zooming by at 90 mph on icy roads. If the trip takes me longer it takes me longer. I am sure Mom would prefer me up there safely later than having me in danger.

And then it ends,

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