Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Close of 2009

Barring some sort of drastic event happening, this year will close as a great year. This year I fell in love with The One, grew closer to the friends I have, and was introduced to some really great people. As I look back, I find it hard to find one bad thing in regards to my life. And if I were to come across something that might have been less than stellar, it did not take away from a great year. This year will close the same way it opened, with a party at my home. I will be surrounded by people I love and adore.

My goals for 2009:

1. Stay alive.

Safe to say that I have made it this far.

2. Live a little, but keep within my means.

I certainly had a blast and kept, mostly, within my means.

3. Make the bills reasonable.

I did not quite reduce it to what I wanted it to be, thanks mostly to a minor car bump, but I did reduce it to a level in which I can handle.

4. Make the most of what is given to me.

I am pleased with myself regarding this one. I took things as they were and found myself happy.

5. Don't be the exaggeration.

I found out that I never really was. I am who I am, and I am happy with that.

My goals for 2010:

1. Stay alive. It might seem like a silly goal to have, until you are dead and then you should have thought of it. I will tie-in the live well goal for this one as well. I intend on doing both.

2. No matter what happens regarding the tour, keep moving forward. There are a lot of opportunities out there for me and still have a lot to offer. It is time I stop wavering and just start walking.

3. Smile through everything. There is no telling what will happen with anything this year, regardless of what it brings I will chose to be happy.

4. Work on myself personally. While I like to joke that I am perfect, I still hold some (very few) character flaws. I need to work on those.

5. Propose to The One. I know, you know, she knows I love her. It will happen in 2010.

Very modest goals this year. Ones I will attain. If 2010 is anything like 2009, I am in for one fun ride. Enjoy the close of 2009, and have many adventures in 2010!


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