Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Beginning

I have decided to take the plunge and start my very own blog. I have mulled it over for a little while and figured I would give it a shot.

Now I have an internal conflict on how this is going to handled. The structured side of me wants this blog to have a purpose, a mission statement or at the very least accomplish something within each post that is consistent. The creative side of me wants this to be more relaxed, to reveal inner truths with poetic writing.

I have decided that it is best to just start off plain and simple. I will be taking from a highly regarded show, one that I was never very fond of, and take this as the blog about nothing. It makes sense just to keep things open minded as I press forward.

Aside: I was surprised to see that "The Lost and Found Section" was available. I was expecting to have to come up with something else or extended it out. "The Lost and Found Section" is a perfect title for a blog about nothing.

Something else I will borrow is that I will not be using any actual names. Rather, like my friend Blu in his blog, will have nicknames. I will not be using the same names, instead I will think of my own. There might be some crossover, but for the most part I will try to think of my own. Besides, how awkward would it be for me to use The Date when referring to his beau?

Each morning I wake up to give myself some time to get acquainted with the day, it will be during this time that I post the blog. Normally during this time the only distraction is my dog, (Who I think deserves a nickname as well, just not now.) who has managed to disturb my writing more than a few times. And is currently chewing on my shoe...

And then it ends,

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