Monday, April 19, 2010

Second Second

I did not get first in the rib eating contest; a young man bested me by three or four ribs. I did, however, finish ahead of my rival from last year. In the first round, I breezed through getting to a second set of ribs with little to worry. I sat back and let the time finish out. The two time defending champion and I were sure of victory as we were the only ones to finish a full set in the opening round. In fact, the kid who ended up winning was the last and questionable selection from the first heat. It appeared to the crowd that the man sitting next to him was ahead in ribs and had them cleaned. That is of little concern to me, as that kid was the only one to reach a second set of ribs in the final round.

I came to the table prepared to take the crown. I was placed next to the defending champion and that would help me keep my pace. I beat him through the first rib. I saw him throw down a rib that was counted and saw how much I would have to eat to make one count. That helped as it had been cleaning to the bone. I raced through several bones to be just ahead of the defending champion. Then the defending champion stood up, much like he did when I was ahead last year, but this time he reeled toward the trash can next to him. He coughed once and returned to face the table. He coughed several more times spraying food over an opponent and me. I paused briefly as I thought of the nastiness of the situation then continued to chew. I would not be denied. As the last minute was being called I was ahead and sure of victory. Or so I had thought. I was informed that there was someone in their second box. I hurried to keep pace. I kept asking for a second set only to be denied. With time dwindling I would rush to take a bite or two and request only to be told to go back. Time was called. There was no question who had won. The kid was the only one to reach his second set. I was awarded second, one place in front of the defending champion who was still a bone behind me.

If I am around for next year's contest I will participate. I cannot leave without getting first place.

Until tomorrow, may you obtain what you seek.

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